
“印第安人茶” 是另一個經得起時間和實戰考驗的癌症另類自然療法。其源起於 加拿大 的護士 Caisse ( Essiac ) 這個名字的根源…

Essiac cancer treatment herbal tincture God Bless Ms Caisse

Essiac is world famous as a cancer treatment and hailed by many as a cure. Doctors and research hospitals certify it to be true. The medicrats, AMA and pharmaceutical giants with leagally protected Chemotherapy hate it. You decide. www.thesecretsofeden.com

Filed under 自然療法 by on #

“尿療法” 的價值一早便被 “古今中外” 文化所認定,現在人 “不識貨” 便覺得它難以接受而已。請看這位印度的專家如何為大家演譯 “尿療法”…

Jain’s Cow Urine Therapy


Jain’s cow urine therapy part-7


Jain’s cow urine therapy part-8


Filed under 自然療法 by on #
